
As per report by World Bank, waste generation was estimated to be 2.24 billion tonnes i.e. per person waste generation is about 0.79 kilograms per person per day. Which makes todays waste generation considering the population of the world to be 8 billion to be 6320 thousand MTs of waste per day.

Due to rapid population growth and urbanisation, the waste generation is also rising rapidly. Annual waste generation is expected to increase by 73% from 2020 levels to 3.88 billion tonnes in 2050.

The volume and complexity of waste associated with the modern economy is posing a serious risk to ecosystems and human health. Solid waste is contributing about 5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.



There have been various initiatives taken across the world to build a greener ecosystem. Let us share the wisdom from these global case studies of waste management to cohesively work towards building sustainability.

Best cases around stakeholders engagement

Best cases around technology driven initiatives

Pneumatic waste collection system Malaysia:
Generating Electricity from Landfill Gas in Sao Paulo, Brazil:
Sensor-based sorting technology is driving advances in e-waste recycling:

Best cases around Recycling/Upcycling

Best cases around Waste reduction/ Sustainable consumption and production

Food waste prevention in Hong Kong:
Vegetable waste to zero waste in LA PINTANA, CHILE:
Nigerian social enterprise encourages citizens to swap waste for cash:
Initiative taken by food delivery app for plastic waste management for coca-cola India:
A European refunding scheme for drinks containers:

Best cases around policy level implementation

Brazil’s national solid waste policy: