Section: Carcass Disposal
Authority: CPCB
Title: Final Guidelines for Carcass Disposal
Guidelines for Carcass Disposal
Section: General Guidelines
Authority: CPCB
Title: Amendment in Guidelines on the provision of buffer zone around waste processing and disposal facilities issued under SWM Rules, 2016
General Guidelines
Section: Legacy Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidelines for Disposal of Legacy Waste (Old Municipal Solid Waste)
Guidelines for Disposal of Legacy Waste
Section: Sanitary Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidelines for management of sanitary wastes
Sanitary Waste Guidelines
Section: Annual Report
Authority: CPCB
Title: Annual Report on Status of Implementation of MSW Rules
Rules of MSW Rules
Section: Action Plan
Authority: CPCB
Title:The National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management
National Action Plan for MSW
Section: Annual Report
Authority: CPCB
Title: Reports Submitted in Hon’ble NGT
Reports Submitted in Hon’ble NGT
Section: Dumpsites
Authority: CPCB
Title: Directions issued to All SPCBs/PCCs regarding fire Incidents at MSW Dumpsites
Fire Incidents at MSW Dumpsites
Section: Legacy Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Directions issued to SPCBs/PCCs regarding biomining of legacy waste
Biomining of Legacy waste
Section: Sanitary Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Directions issued to All Brand owners/producers of Sanitary napkins and diapers
Sanitary waste
Section: Dumpsites
Authority: CPCB
Title: Reference Document on Identification, Inspection and Assessment of Contaminated Sites by CPCB
Technical guideline
Section: Dumpsites
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidance document for assessment and remediation of contaminated sites in India
Guidance document for assessment and remediation of contaminated sites in India
Section: Municipal Solid Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Annual reports, Model tender doc for SWM & Legacy waste
Waste management
Section: Municipal Solid Waste
Authority: CPHEEO
Title: Bulk waste Generator (A Step by Step Guidance for Urban Local Bodies to implement the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016)
Guidance for Urban Local Bodies to implement the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
Section: Municipal Solid Waste
Authority: CPHEEO
Title: Guidelines on Usage of Refuse Derived Fuel in Various Industries
Guidelines on Usage of Refuse Derived Fuel in Various Industries
Section: Municipal Solid Waste
Authority: CPHEEO
Title: Procedure for Authorization for processing / recycling / treatment and disposal of solid waste under the provisions of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
Procedure for obtaining Authorization for processing / recycling / treatment and disposal of solid waste under Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016


Section: E-waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidelines for Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) under E-Waste(Management) Amendment Rules, 2018
Guidelines for Procedure Responsibility Organization
Section: E-waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Final guidelines on implementation of E-Waste rules 2016
Implementation guidelines for E-Waste
Section: E-waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of Electronic Waste
Guidelines for environmentally sound management of E-waste
Section: E-waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Maintenance of technical documents by EPR Authorized Producers
EPR Authorized Producers
Section: E-waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: List of Registered PRO
Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) registered with CPCB
Section: E-waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: List of Producers granted EPR Authorisation [under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016]
List of Producers granted EPR Authorisation [under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016]
Section: E-waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: List of Dismantlers/Recyclers as per the authorisation issued by SPCBs/PCCs under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016
List of Dismantlers/Recyclers as per the authorisation issued by SPCBs/PCCs under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 (As on 31-01-2023)
Section: E-waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Revised SoPs for Grant of EPR-Authorisation under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 as Amended” Approved on 12th April, 2018
Application for EPR Authorization under rule 13
Section: E-waste
Authority: MPCB
Title: Registration of Recyclers/Reprocessors of Hazardous waste and E-waste
Registration of Recyclers/Reprocessors of Hazardous waste and E-waste
Section: E-waste
Authority: MPCB
Title: Updated list of E-waste recyclers / dismantlers/refurbishers
List of Authorized E-waste Dismantlers & Recyclers


Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidelines for Assessment of Environment Compensation to be levied for Violation of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
Guidelines for Assessment of Environment Compensation to be levied for Violation of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Phasing out Single use Plastics
Phasing out single use plastics
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidelines for the Disposal of Non-recyclable Fraction (Multi-layered) Plastic Waste
Guidelines for the Disposal of Non-recyclable Fraction (Multi-layered) Plastic Waste
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Consolidated Guidelines for Segregation, Collection and Disposal of Plastic Waste
Consolidated Guidelines for Segregation, Collection and Disposal of Plastic Waste
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidelines for Co-processing of Plastic Waste in Cement Kilns
Guidelines for Co-processing of Plastic Waste in Cement Kilns
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: A Document on Guidelines for Disposal of Thermoset Plastic Waste including Sheet moulding compound (SMC)/Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Guidelines for Disposal of Thermoset Plastic Waste including Sheet moulding compound (SMC)/Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Annual Report on Implementation of Plastic Waste Management Rules
Status of implementation of plastic waste
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Information on Compostable and Biodegradable plastics
Information on Compostable and Biodegradable plastics
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Direction issued to Plastic waste processors regarding registration on centralized EPR portal
Direction issued to Plastic waste processors
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Directions issued-EPRs, registration etc
Directions issued
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Registration of Producers/Brand owners (PIBOs) under PWM Rules
Registration of Producers, Importers, Brandowners under PWM Rules 2016, as amended
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Notice for Withdrawal of PRO Registration for implementing EPR responsibility of Producers / Brand owners
CPCB Notice
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Reports Submitted in Hon’ble NGT
Reports Submitted in Hon’ble NGT
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Maharashtra Plastic & Thermocol Products Notification, 2018 Amended on 28th March 2022
Environment and climate change department
Section: Plastic Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Annual report, Registration process, List of plastic recyclers, producers, compostable plastic manufacturer
Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol Products (MUSTH&S) Notification, 2018


Section: C & D Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidelines on dust mitigation measures in handling construction material and C&D wastes
Guidelines on Dust mitigation measures
Section: C & D Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Guidelines on Environmental Management of Construction & Demolition (C & D) wastes
Guidelines on Environmental Management of Construction & Demolition (C & D) wastes


Section: Bio-Medical Waste
Authority: MPCB
Title: List of Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment facility in Maharashtra and jurisdiction
Lis of Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment


Section: Hazardous Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title:Orders of Hon’ble NGT & Action taken
Orders of Hon’ble NGT & Action taken
Section: Hazardous Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Procedure for Processing the Proposals for Utilization of Hazardous Waste under Rule 9 of the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016
Procedure for Processing the Proposals for Utilization of Hazardous
Section: Hazardous Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Information on Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs)
Information on Common Hazardous Waste Treatment
Section: Hazardous Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: List of common BMW Treatment facilities
list of common BMW Treatment facilities
Section: Hazardous Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Status of new technologies for treatment & disposal of BMW
Status of new technologies for treatment & disposal of BMW
Section: Hazardous Waste
Authority: MPCB
Title: MPCB list of Hazardous waste Generator/processor,Registration of Recyclers/Reprocessors, Guidelines
MPCB list of Hazardous waste Generator


Section: Battery Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: List of Registered Recyclers of Used Lead Acid Batteries & Lead Wastes /Scraps
List of Registered Recyclers of Used Lead Acid Batteries & Lead Wastes /Scraps
Section: Battery Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Status of Implementation of batteries rules
Status of Implementation of batteries rules
Section: Battery Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: SOP for submission of Application for Registration of Producers
Registration certificate for procedure
Section: Battery Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Status of Importers of new lead acid battery
Status of Importers of new lead acid battery
Section: Battery Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: On-line registration system for Importers of New Lead Acid Batteries
On‐line registration system for Importers of New Lead Acid Batteries
Section: Battery Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: System & Procedures of Registration
System & Procedures of Registration
Section: Battery Waste
Authority: CPCB
Title: Procedure for grant of registration to importers of new lead acid batteries
Procedure for grant of registration to importers of new lead acid batteries under Rule 5 of the Battery (M&H) Rules, 2001 as amended in 2010


Section: All Waste Type
Authority: CPCB
Title: Protocol for Evaluation of Technology for Waste Management
Protocol for Evaluation of Technology for Waste Management, CPCB, Delhi
Section: All Waste Type
Authority: CPCB
Title: Best practices/Success Stories in Environmental Management
Best practices/Success Stories in Environmental Management
Section: General Info
Authority: CPCB
Title: Selection criteria for Waste Processing Technologies
Selection Criteria for Waste Processing Technologies
Section: General Info
Authority: MPCB
Title: Waste management (hazardous waste, bio medical waste, municipal solid waste,plastic waste, batteries, fly ash, e-waste) procedure for registration
Waste management (hazardous waste, bio medical waste, municipal solid waste,plastic waste, batteries, fly ash, e-waste) procedure for registration