Better waste handling can definitely be seen as a good virtue for humans. We can definitely help each other by choosing the right way to dispose of or take care of the waste generated by us. We hereby provide you with some simple waste handling, waste processing, and waste collection solutions which can help you choose the right thing. If you need more details, we are available to answer your queries personally.

Wet Waste | Keep wet waste separate. Compost your wet waste to convert into manure for your garden. There are bins, pots, drums, baskets available to do your daily composting. We can also generate biogas from wet waste at home. |
Dry Waste | Reuse and recycle as much as you can old glass bottles, plastic containers, cardboard and paper. Segregate what you can, such as milk bags, plastic, MLP and give in a segregated manner to the wastepicker or waste collection agency in your area. Reuse and recycle as many old glass bottles, plastic containers, cardboard and paper as possible. |
Plastic Waste | Keep it clean, do not mix with wet waste, and then give it for recycling. |
Sanitary Waste | Wrap the waste, such as diapers, sanitary pad, condoms etc. separately in paper, mark it with a red dot or cross as requested by your city. Give it separately to the Wastepicker or waste collection agency. |
Domestic Hazardous Waste | Store it separately and give it to your city collection system on the days they collect the hazardous waste, or deposit it at centers established by the city. |
Garden Waste | Compost it or give it to the garden collection system of your city. |
E-Waste | Give to authorised e-waste collector, check on ULB website or Pollution Control Board website for them. List of e-waste recyclers |
Biomedical Waste | Biomedical waste such as used masks, syringes, medicines etc should be put in a yellow color garbage bag and given to the authorized waste collection agency. |
Construction Waste | Give it to C&D waste collection system in your city. Call the local ward office, to find the nearest location to deposit the construction debris, ask your contractor to deposit it there. There should be a on call service in your city. |
Old Clothes | Donate it to initiatives in the city that collect old clothes for either upcycling or reuse. |

Wet Waste | |
Dry Waste | |
Plastic Waste | |
Sanitary Waste | |
Garden Waste | |
E Waste | |
Construction Waste | Give to C&D waste collection system in your city. Call the local ward office, to find the nearest location to deposit the construction debris, ask your contractor to deposit it there. There should be a on call service in your city. |

Wet Waste | |
Dry Waste | |
Sanitary Waste | |
Domestic Hazardous Waste | |
Garden Waste | |
E-Waste | |
Biomedical Waste | |
Construction and Demolition Waste | |
Sweeping and silt waste |